While I have been trying (really hard) to not be sentimental about leaving this job, it has grown more difficult by the day. Truly, though, I think "leaving" this job began in August when Liz left for similar reasons (budget and funding) and then reared its ugly head again in October when Cathy resigned. I suppose that I held out hope that I would still be here when the tide began to turn. However, such is not the case. So, you see, I have a growing list of things that I will miss after Friday. In no particular order...
Coffee in the kitchen with Bill and Recie.
Tomato and sprout sandwiches with Recie.
Staff meetings where we get so side-tracked that we laugh until we cry.
Support group meetings and Jim Jordan and Anne Baxter.
Teal Benoit. What else can I say?
The sqeaky, hand-me-down copy machine.
Brooks coming in late looking like the cat just spit him out.
James and his kilt. Not to mention his fabulous hugs.
The sun streaming into what used to be my "office."
Walking Colin to school from the office.
Secret chicken biscuits with Bill.
Bob Goins and his never ending list of "Thank You's."
Recie, Bill, James, and yes, Brooks.
I know the list will grow for a while longer. But, I wanted to put some of it down before I forgot all of them - they change daily. And, sometimes by the hour.