Monday, January 26, 2009

"On Beyond '26.2 with Donna'..."

Thank goodness for bicycles! For the first week following Goofy my two bikes were my best friends: mountain biking with my hubby one afternoon; commuting through town another; and then on the streets a couple of times with "Team Something." Again, thank goodness for bicycles. Now that the running shoes are back on the streets, it's time to re-examine the training schedule for the remainder of my very brief "marathon season." I did get in a 15-miler this past weekend that I feel pretty good about, and I am hoping that my speed will pick up again this week in the shorter runs. I am hoping for a 1:55 Half Marathon on Sunday, but as always it depends on the day.

My plan is pretty simple from now until Donna, and then after that some well-earned and deserved time off of my feet. The Tour de Big Bend (which encompasses the Blue Line 100) is at the end of March, and I fully intend to complete the entire thing this year. That in and of itself will require a bit more time in the saddle than just one ride a week. Fortunately, running helps to keep the saddle time shorter and I am happy for that in the long run.

And, just in case you didn't hear me yelling in joy ... I love my new Ruby Comp. She is all carbon, rides like the wind, and is pretty to boot. Yeah me!

Week of 1 - 7 February
Sunday - Tallahassee Half Marathon
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Intervals (3x1600)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 8 mile tempo run
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 8 or 10 mile tempo run

Week of 8 - 14 February
Sunday - Ride
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 2 miles (speed)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 3 miles easy
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest

Week of 15 - 21 February
Sunday (2.15.2009) - 26.2 with Donna: The National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Richard's Story on TV

I can only hope that the link will work for quite some time since I don't know exactly when I'll be able to get my DVD-R uploaded to the Mac and then onto the site. Stay tuned. I'll do my best.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Me and My Three Friends

This is the third time I have "done Disney" yet it is the first time that I have truly enjoyed all that the Marathon Weekend has to offer. Both times before were as a member or mentor for Team Tally's Team In Training group. Don't get me wrong - I loved each of those trips, but they were nothing compared to this time through the parks powered by nothing but me. In this entry I have put a sample of pictures from my camera that I stopped to have taken the morning of the marathon. It was great to stop and stand with the characters for pictures. They are out there at those awful hours for no other reason than to pose with the athletes and to cheer us on. It is wonderful, and fun, and great, and smile generating.

As we waited in the starting corrals from 5:00 a.m. to 5:50 a.m. it was comforting to have friends near and dear standing with me. Lisa and Tracy were with me last year, and will be with me again in the future. Not too far away Michael Harvey and others stood waiting to begin our journey to Goofy in memory of his brother, Richard. By the time the course closed on Sunday, 14 of us would complete the 2009 running of Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge. We would leave Disney with three medals: Donald for the Half; Mickey for the Full; and Goofy for being insane enough to do it all in one weekend. Yes, my friends, 39.3 is the new 26.2. I am here to tell you, I will not do it next year. But perhaps later on in my endurance future there will be another one. Things that make you go hmmm...

No Disney Marathon Weekend (Sweet Sixteen in 2009) would be complete without a view of Cinderella's Castle. But, below has to be one of my favorite pictures from the weekend as it captures all of "my medals" in one shot: Donald (1/2 Marathon), Mickey (Marathon), and Goofy (Race and a Half Challenge). I love that one. It really makes the weekend dream complete.

This is what EPCOT looks like from the runner's perspective as the sun comes up. The next photo is what EPCOT looks like from the World Showcase from the post-marathon runner's perspective as the sun sets. Both are equally wonderful and beautiful, and striking when you consider both pictures were taken by the same runner in the same day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is what reward looks like.

My shadow box will be a bit different: my name, my times, my bibs, etc. But, this is the general feel of how excited I am to finally have an OFFICIAL Goofy medal and the well-deserved, hard-earned right to display it. My box will also have "Richard's Bib" that we wore the entire weekend in addition to the assigned marathon/half marathon bibs for the race.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An Initial Recap of Goofy 2009

Good morning you Marathon Maniacs! Welcome home!

I first want to share with you the words and wisdom of our faithful coach and companion for the past two, nearly three years of training:

From Chuck to the Richard’s Marathon Team:

The Disney employee asked, "Why would you do that?" How could she understand why someone would sign up to run as another person? All I knew was I that I did it to honor him. We all knew he wanted to do Goofy. It just wasn't enough to be a 300 pound marathoner. He had to be more. When she asked me the question, I was tempted to really be Richard and say "Because I can."

In every way I was Richard for a day. My race bib said so. I had the support from "Team Harvey." They sent me off with hugs and kisses at 4 am. I had his brother by my side and all his TNT teammates. Those last words of encouragement were, "Run fast, we have to go shopping." I realized as I was pushed along the course with cheers of "Go Richard!" that I could never know what it was like to be Richard. I was only posing for a day. In life, someone is more valuable in death than they are living. It is hard to accept, but I have learned more from this man after his death than I did when we had him.

Thank you Richard, for letting me be you for a day.

If I didn't tell you this in the Reunion area Sunday, I think you should know about what happened to me and know that we as a group did a great thing that impacted more people than we anticipated.

Standing in the Corral waiting for the start, I had reached the point where I was ready to ditch my long-sleeve throw away shirt. I turned my back to the crowd as I was standing near the fence, and pulled it off trying to be careful not to snag it on the pins on my "Richard bib" on my back. A man's voice from behind me asked, "Is that THE Richard shirt?" I immediately crossed my arms over my front, turned and replied, "Yes. Why?"

He went on to explain that he had graduated from high school with Richard and that he and his wife were also running this weekend. They had read about our tribute on the Gulf Winds web site and were looking to see if they would spot any of us. I was taken by surprise and never introduced myself, or asked who they were. After culling through the Tallahassee finishers I am fairly confident I know who they are now. But, that is somewhat irrelevant. The important thing is that they were there for at least some of the same reasons we were there. Never forget that the next person you meet is really only separated from the next by six degrees. Truly.

Do you realize how many people showed up this weekend to honor Richard Harvey? Did you stop and count the number of people on the course who were either there for him or for someone who knew him?

On Saturday, 19 members of "Richard's Goofy Team" completed the Half Marathon along with 8 "Auxiliary" team members. By "Auxiliary" I mean parents, children, spouses, and friends of Richard's Team who came along for the ride by registering, training, and then completing the event because of Richard. Maybe not in whole, but at least in part because of what he meant to one of the team members.

Then on Sunday, 25 members of Richard's Goofy Team completed the Full Marathon accompanied on the course by another 6 auxiliary members. That made for a total of 14 who successfully completed the 2009 Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge. You guys Rock!

Wow! Can you believe it? Can you imagine the impact we as a group could have if we focused on a cause that benefited the here and now rather than the past? Hmmm. It does make one think and ponder, does it not?

I congratulate all of you on your accomplishments over the past year to get to this place. You have done a wonderful thing. Keep it up. And, again my friends run strong. Run Safe. Find a new one and run with a purpose.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Goofy and Post-Goofy Training

All right, Guys and Girls! This is what the coming weeks will look like for running and riding. Hopefully all the loooooonnnnnnnggggg distance training will pay off with a fabulous Goofy event, and injury-free finishes.

Week of 4 - 10 January:
Sunday - Ride
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Run: 6 miles at 10K tempo/pace
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - Run: 4 miles easy
Friday - Rest, Travel, Hydrate
Saturday - Do "The Donald" (half marathon portion of Goofy)

Week of 11 - 17 January:
Sunday - Mash out "The Mickey" (full marathon portion of Goofy)
Monday - Rest, Travel, Re-hydrate
Tuesday - Rest or easy ride
Wednesday - Easy 4-5 miles
Thursday - Ride
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 15K or 30K on Old Centerville Road

Week of 18 - 24 January
Sunday - Ride
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Intervals (6x1200)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 5 mile tempo run
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 18-20 Mile Run

Week of 25 - 31 January
Sunday - Ride
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Intervals (7x800)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 4 mile tempo run
Friday - Ride
Saturday - Rest

Week of 1 - 7 February
Sunday - Tallahassee Half Marathon
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Intervals (3x1600)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 8 mile tempo run
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 10 mile tempo run

Week of 8 - 14 February
Sunday - Ride
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 2 miles (speed)
Wednesday - Rest/Ride
Thursday - 3 miles easy
Friday - Rest
Saturday - easy 2 miles early morning

Sunday (2.15.2009) - 26.2 with Donna: The National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer

My "Richard Story"

As the final days and hours to Goofy 2009 count down, I feel I should share with all of you "my Richard story. " You see, it's like this:

Richard and I were not each other's favorite people, but we had a common goal, a common thread, and a common drive. He wanted to finish; I wanted to finish; we wanted everyone else on our team to finish. And, that's just the way it was. I used Richard frequently when I ran, especially hills: "Richard runs this hill, I can run this hill. Richard made it to the cooler, I can make it to the cooler." And so it went for two seasons of Team In Training Disney training: both seasons with Richard crossing the finish line in his fabulous "Cadillac caboose" style just under the seven hour time limit, and feeling damn proud of himself - very deservedly, I might add.

Last year, waiting in the lobby of the Coronado Springs Resort for the rest of the TNT team I found a pair of Swarovski crystal Mickey Mouse earrings. I loved them, so I treated myself to a well earned post-Goofy treat. I wore them for a couple of days, and then changed them out for something else. Just like all us girls do - accessorize the outfit with the best choice in jewelry. After I got the phone call telling me that Richard had been in a fatal accident I put the earrings back in. And, I have not taken them out (except to clean them) since. They have been everywhere: all over Europe, to the beach, on century rides, and yes, through another marathon and nearly 2000 miles of training runs and rides. Every time I reach up to my ear to make sure they are right side up, I think of Richard. They are my constant reminder of why I chose to "go Goofy" again. I do not believe that I would have gone back this year, had it not been for Richard's dream of running it.

Once I'm done on Sunday, I will take out my earrings, place them carefully in their black velvet box and put them away. Their job will be done. They will have carried me, head high, through a year of training and memories to the finish line. I hope that what we, this entire committed group, have undertaken will be a grand tribute to the memory of our friend and fellow runner, Richard. I hope that his family knows how much we admired and loved him, and how we have attempted to honor his dream and memory.

I know it's not much. I know it is trivial and completely inconsequential. But, it's all I have. A pair of earrings. Two small items that have been with me for a year to remind me to stay on track, and on target for the goal. I imagine on Monday I'll feel a bit lost with out them there to remind me.

My friends, run strong. Run safe. Run with a purpose.

Coaches for a Cause

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation
Love this art work. Click for link to the web site. And follow Team TRI Mac at