May, 2008
5.17.2008 Ride To Remember "Horse Country" Century Ride - Not this year :-(
5.18.2008 Watch Aidan, the 6 year-old, compete in his first triathlon: Red Hills for Kids
5.20.2008 Celebrate my mother's 60th Birthday
June, 2008
6.7.2008 Capital City Ride for Hope: A metric century founded by a student at the FSU College of Medicine in honor of his father, a cancer victim. (
Finished 3:46:14!!! 20 Minutes faster than the Blue Line 100
6.27-29.2008 Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club Long Course Invitational Meet (Tallahassee, FL)
July, 2008
7.4.2008 Freedom Springs Triathlon (for me really a DUathlon - I don't "do" the swim...)
7.19.2008 Take Colin to Jacksonville for the JAX TRI Series Sprint #2 (and then spend a week in St. Augustine with my family!!!)
August, 2008
8.23.2008 TriStates 100 Century Ride - Dothan, Alabama
8.24.2008 Celebrate 17 years of marriage to my wonderful husband!
September, 2008
9.20.2008 Take Colin to The Beach Blast Triathlon in Mexico Beach, Florida
9.30.2008 Celebrate Michael's 45th Birthday!!!
October, 2008
10.25.2008 Boston Mini Marathon (Boston, Georgia) OR
10.26.2008 (my 41st birthday) 33rd Marine Corps Marathon -
Registration opens at noon, 4.30.2008 I am officially REGISTERED!!!!!
10.31.2008 Celebrate my in-laws' 50th Wedding Anniversary
November, 2008
11.27.2008 Tallahassee Turkey Trot 15K
December, 2008
12.6.2008 Ten Mile Challenge
12.6.2008 Jingle Bell Run (3K)
12.21.2008 Jacksonville Half Marathon???
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sipping for a Good Reason
Good Day, Friends!
My mother-in-law is on the Board of Directors for the FSU Friends of Dance (supporting the FSU Department of Dance). Next month, there will be a wine tasting (with nummy munchies) at Fresh Market to Benefit the Department of Dance. Tickets are $25 each, and knowing how we all LOVE a good wine tasting, I am passing this on to you. She has been asked to sell 10 Tickets. I have at least one, and I would love for you guys to be there as well. All the information below is copied directly from the web site link I have place here for you.
My mother-in-law is on the Board of Directors for the FSU Friends of Dance (supporting the FSU Department of Dance). Next month, there will be a wine tasting (with nummy munchies) at Fresh Market to Benefit the Department of Dance. Tickets are $25 each, and knowing how we all LOVE a good wine tasting, I am passing this on to you. She has been asked to sell 10 Tickets. I have at least one, and I would love for you guys to be there as well. All the information below is copied directly from the web site link I have place here for you.
Friends of Dance Wine Gala
in honor of Nancy Smith Fichter
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Fresh Market - 1390-6 Village Square Blvd.
For ticket information call 850-645-2449.
All proceeds benefit the Florida State University Friends of Dance and the Department of Dance
Join Friends of Dance & The Fresh Market for: A Fine Wine Gala in honor of Nancy Smith Fichter
Enjoy prime rib, shrimp cocktail and other delightful hors d’oeuvres as well as distinctive cheese at this exclusive wine tasting event!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
1390-6 Village Square Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32312
1390-6 Village Square Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32312
Tickets are $25.00 and may be purchased by calling 850.645.2449.
All proceeds from ticket sales to benefit Florida State University Friends of Dance Through memberships, direct donations and the annual Young Dancer’s Workshop, Friends of Dance continues to raise funds to provide financial support for the policies, projects and activities of the Department of Dance, as well as encouraging participation and attendance of various productions. The Board of Directors, made up of an active group of volunteers, is dedicated to providing support in a variety of ways with a strong emphasis on student scholarships.
Yearning for the Heavenly Reward
Below is a copy of a daily devotion that I received from a former minister of my church. In many ways, at least once a day, Jim is still my minister. I love the way in this passage the marathon runner says it all: "I don't race, I run." That has long been my attitude toward distance running and now endurance cycling. I don't think I ever call the marathons or half marathons I enter "races." I know that I nearly always refer to them as runs. Read on. Be blessed...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yearning for the Heavenly Reward
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before others in order to be noticed by them because you then will receive no reward from your heavenly Father." - Matthew 6:1
Jesus speaks of them often - the heavenly rewards. But just what are those heavenly rewards? More stars in the crown? A bigger mansion in the life to come? More gold thread in one's heavenly robe? To begin with - I really don't know, I can only imagine. But I do believe that Jesus is trying to provide us a glimpse of a spiritual reality. There are things that we do for the praise of men and women. These ventures and endeavors can be good and worthy - they have their rewards. But there also are things that we do for the praise of only God. These ventures and endeavors are ones that prove to be satisfying in the fullness of the soul.
I know a fellow who is thoroughly devoted marathon runner. He runs twice daily, every day, for mile after mile. As far as I know in all these years of marathon running he has never won a race, he has never won a trophy. When the marathons are run, he is but one of hundreds that make up the crowd. He runs in the morning before the sun rises; he runs in the evening after the sn has gone down. Few see him run; even fewer know his name - yet he keeps running. If you ask him why he runs, his answer is simple. "When I run, I feel good about life and me." Some might say he is hooked on the endorphins that are triggered by his running and thus these feel good chemicals - well, make him feel good. And I wouldn't be surprised that if these folks are on the right track! You see, I believe that God even made the endorphins within us and God made them with a reason. Maybe ... they are but one of many heavenly rewards placed within our human souls - that come to life in the secret places of human experience.
Back to my running friend... One day when we were walking (my pace through life) I asked him if he was frustrated that he had never won a marathon. I caught him off guard, I do believe, for he stopped in his tracks. He turned, considered for a few long moments, and then said, "Jim, I don't race, I run."
Most folks today are so caught up in worrying about winning that they may have lost in the process the joy of running.
PRAYER FOCUS: Lord, help me to focus more on the applause of heaven than on the applause of the crowd ...
May the Gentle Grace of Christ be with you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A New Steed in the Stable
I hear that people call their bicycles "steeds." I suppose that must come from a time long past when we rode horses to get places. And, along with that cyclists call their "steed" storage the Stable. So, in that vein of thought ... I have a new Steed in the Stable! A new baby, so-to-speak.
She, yes she, is a Specialized Dolce: Silver and Grey, Designed for Women (D4W), especially those who are vertically challenged such as myself. I like her! She rides really well, and she doesn't toss her head and attempt to throw me off. Yippee! And, while I haven't come up with a good name yet, maybe "Century", she joins a stable-full of trusty mounts: Mike's 1997 Schwinn Moab; my faitful 2000 Gary Fischer Tassajara; Colin's 2005 Giant mountain bike and his Cannondale R300 that took him to the finish line in the Red Hills Triathlon. Aidan also keeps his Schwinn in that stable and it is looking its age: rode hard and put up wet.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Colin and the Red Hills Triathlon 2008
written by Richard Stephens: ATAC father, and Red Hills Tri competitor spouse
"The Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club (ATAC) was very well represented at the 2008 Red Hills Triathlon by 13-year old Colin
Abbey (Age Group Pressure 1). Colin registered as the youngest competitor (in race history) to tackle Florida’s toughest “sprint” triathlon (1/3 mile swim, 16 mile bike, and a 5K run). Colin showed some nerves prior to the race which were quickly swept away as he hit the first wave of the swim. Colin showed that the hard work in the pool can pay off in other arenas as he positioned himself in the open water near the front of 75 other males (aged 29 and under) to exit the water in 4th place to the cheers of the crowd. Not having the strength or experience of the other competitors (after all he is only 13!!!), Colin was passed on the bike by many of the top finishers who took time as they passed him to congratulate him on his “great" swim. These same finishers would later take the time at the finish area to congratulate Colin on his good finish and overall performance.

Colin finished the 16-mile bike in approximately 1-hour and the 5K run in 27-minutes for a very respectable overall time 1 hour 38 minutes 6 seconds (1:38.06). Several spectators were heard saying, “Did you see that young kid?” Usually answered with the response, “He swims for ATAC.” 
Several other faces from the pool deck were seen at the race, including Brian Ayers (Morgan and Makayla’s Dad) who hobbled in on bad knee at 1:39.00 and first timer Susan Stephens (Thomas and Anthony’s mom) who achieved her goal in finishing under two hours in 1:58.36.
Congratulations, ATAC…..young and not so young
Several other faces from the pool deck were seen at the race, including Brian Ayers (Morgan and Makayla’s Dad) who hobbled in on bad knee at 1:39.00 and first timer Susan Stephens (Thomas and Anthony’s mom) who achieved her goal in finishing under two hours in 1:58.36.
Congratulations, ATAC…..young and not so young
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