Monday, March 2, 2015

It's Open Season

2015 TRIATHLON Season
Day One:  2 hour trainer ride (including warm up and cool down) at 90-100 rpm cadence, 18-23 mph, total of 38.49 miles
Day Two:  55 min recovery ride - 90 rpm, 18 mph averages

In Florida, people often assume that there is no "off" season when it comes to training or triathlon.  However, I'm here to tell you, that for me, there are two "off" seasons:  those 10 days to two weeks immediately following a 140.6 race and the week following the last (yes, sometimes there are more than one) spring marathon.  I take a lot of comfort in those weeks/days off from structured if any training.  I don't mind at all sleeping past 4:15 a.m.  In fact, I really kind of enjoy it.

Unless I am going to Boston in April, I like to "open" my triathlon training season on March 1.  It allows me some "ease back into the racing scene" time with a couple of my favorite 10K events, and it gives me more than ample time to ramp up to a 70.3 that I like on Mother's Day Weekend.  Recently, it has also given me a solid five weeks of "get it together" training for the local season opening race, Red Hills Sprint Tri, the first Saturday of April.  In all honesty, I like the intensity of sprint training, but I really enjoy the regimen of the 70.3 training schedule.  So, like some sort of freak, I look forward to March 1 for more than the all important time change.

This year, I am NOT going to Boston for the 119th running of the Boston Marathon.  Yes, I'll miss being there, but I'm totally okay with the other plans that will take its place on the travel and race calendar this year:  ITU World Age Group Championship in Chicago this September; and a third trip to Wilimington, North Carolina, for Beach2Battleship where I hope to break 12 hours on a 140.6 course. 

Granted, we are only in Day Two, but I have high hopes for the next 8 months.  I am anxiously awaiting what the season holds in store and what it will undoubtedly throw at me.  All I can say is...

Bring it!  I'm waiting.

Let's do this!

Coaches for a Cause

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation
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