Monday, December 29, 2008

Winding down to Goofy - If that is possible

Well, it is five days post-Christmas; it is nearly 70 degrees out; and ... The start of the "Goofy" is only 12 days away. WOW! After having done this in 2008 I wonder what made me want to do it again. Oh, yeah ... But, that as is said, is another story. This past week began a standard two-week taper into the full marathon: 20 miles on the 20th, 12+ miles on the 27th, and 10-12 miles this Saturday on the 3rd. I have managed to get some good cross training rides in as well which is great on the hamstrings and hips. TRUST ME!

This week holds a couple of short runs: Intervals on 12.30 (about 4.5 miles worth); 5-6 miles on 1.1.2009; and then 10 or so miles on Saturday 1.3.2009. I also plan to ride on the 1st (post run, of course) and again on the 4th per a usual cross training schedule. The week after that is the final taper into The Goofy: easy 3-4 miles on 1.6.2009 and then about 5 easy miles on 1.7.2009. Yikes, it didn't seem so intimidating in January (2008) when I joined the group and said, "Sure, I'll do that again." What was I thinking?!!? And then to run the Donna 26.2 on February 15th? Who put those stupid pills in my vitamin bottle? I'll get them, don't worry!

The "Year 2009" looks like this in the preliminary planning stages. Please take note that ALL, and I truly mean ALL (except Goofy and Donna) are subject to change.

10-11 Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge
17 GWTC 15/30K (I plan to run only the 15K - I'll still be in recovery mode)

1 Tallahassee 1/2 Marathon
15 26.2 with Donna: The National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer

7 TRBC 10K (GWTC Grand Prix Race)
14 Gate River Run (15K) in Jacksonville
28 Spring Time Tallahassee 10K (Grand Prix Race)
29 Blue Line 100 Ride

4 Red Hills Triathlon (spectator only)
25 Rose City Run 10K

2 3 States 3 Mountains (Century Ride with Team IN Training...)

4 Freedom Springs Triathlon
or Peachtree 10K in Atlanta, Georgia
18 JAX Sprint Tri #2 (spectator only)

15 Breakfast on the Track 1 Mile Time Trials

19 Women's Distance Festival 5K (Grand Prix Race)
27 Six Gap 100 Ride in Delongah, Georgia

31 Boston (Georgia) Mini Marathon

26 Turkey Trot 15K (Grand Prix Race)

5 10 Mile Challenge (Grand Prix Race)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wow! That One's Over

This past Saturday (12.20.2008) a fair percentage of "Richard's Goofy Team" ran the 20-miler that shows up on all marathon training calendars. I have, in the past, really dreaded this date on the calendar. Mostly I suppose, because I have had to make those miles alone. Somehow it has never worked out that I have been able to make that particular run with any of the group. So, as the date approached and the location was solidified, I became tense and worried. A 20-mile run an hour from home on the last Saturday before Christmas. Hmmm ... I did smell trouble brewing. Thanfully, with the support and encouragement of Mike, my ever positive personal cheerleader, I ventured off with my long-time friend Cathy to "run" 20 miles.

Some of the group met on the South side of town at 4:30 a.m. (OUCH!) to run flat, paved, lesser-traveled loops. Others of the group met at Team Tally's traditional 20-mile run location: St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge. When the clock chimed 9:00 a.m. this group set off on a perambulation of the St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge beginning at the Visitors' Center; running to the front gates; journeying to the Lighthouse; and then gutting it out back to the Visitors' Center. I had fully expected this run to be just about as close to miserable as one could get without actually receiving a medal for completing a marathon. However, in hind sight, I was pleasantly surprised that it was in fact no so at all. I would not exactly call it a pleasant run. The weather was in the 70's and one of the coolers we had put out near mile 10 was stolen before the first in our group reached it. That meant no water from miles 7+ to 13, and then again from miles 13 to 19. Fourtunately, one of the group (our fearless leader from the past, Chuck) drove up and down the road with Gatoraide in the back of his car to hand out along the way. I had tucked a bottle in my top at about mile 15 and rationed that out until I hit the last stop at just under mile 19.

I surprised myself by running consistent miles until mile 17 (when I was really, really hot and my water had run out...), but even then my time was faster than I had run the Donna in February. Overall, I was pleased. Except for a twinge in my right hip which I can't explain I feel pretty dog gone good. I can only pray that for the next 8 weeks I can stay HEALTHY and INJURY FREE. That is my plan, that is my goal and "I'm stickin' to it!"

I can say with all confidence, 20 miler not withstanding, I am glad that one's over! Whew!

Coaches for a Cause

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation

Mac's "SwimSTRONG" Foundation
Love this art work. Click for link to the web site. And follow Team TRI Mac at